
Boost your restaurant’s or hotel’s dinning experience with this elegant and easy to prepare vol au vent forestier. This dish is created with a puff pastry  brioche filled with a creamy mushroom béchamel sauce. Perfect for a lunch or dinner menu as it is easy and quick to prepare.

Preparation : 10 min
Prepare the béchamel sauce:
In a pan, melt the butter over medium heat.
Add the flour and stir constantly, until the mix cooks and start to bubbles a bit for 2 more minutes. Don’t let it go brown.
Add the milk, stirring constantly to avoid lumps.
Continue cooking until the sauce thickens. At the end, season with salt and pepper to taste.
Then, clean and cut the mushrooms and finely cut the shallot. In a pan, heat oil over medium heat.
Add the shallot and cook it until is translucent. Add the mushrooms and cook until they are golden brown.
Season with salt and pepper.
Dressing : 5 min
Add the cooked mushrooms to the béchamel sauce and mix them.
Fill each puff pastry brioche with the mushrooms béchamel mix.
Preheat the oven to 180°C and place the brioches on a tray. Bake them about 10-15 minutes (or until the pastry is golden).
Chef's tip
For an extra flavor, you can add a splash of white wine to the mushrooms while cooking and sprinkle some fresh parsley on top before serving.