

This tart features a base of flaky croissant slices topped with a caramelized apple filling. Perfect for restaurants and bakeries, this tart offers a delicious and sustainable option for your dessert menu.
Preparation : 30 minutes
Make a dry caramel with 115g sugar. Decook with butter and pour onto a Silpat.
Peel and dice the apples, add 35g sugar, mix and place in the freezer for around 30 min. Break the caramel into pieces and mix with the apples.
Place in an ovenproof dish and bake for 30 to 40 min at 170°.
Remove from the oven and add the gelatine, previously softened in very cold water. Mix, pour into silicone molds and freeze.
Peel and dice the apples, add 35g sugar, mix and place in the freezer for around 30 min. Break the caramel into pieces and mix with the apples.
Place in an ovenproof dish and bake for 30 to 40 min at 170°.
Remove from the oven and add the gelatine, previously softened in very cold water. Mix, pour into silicone molds and freeze.
Dressing : 5 minutes
Cut thawed croissants into approx. 5mm slices. Line circles and press down lightly. Let them prove for approx. 2h30 at 25/26°.
Bake at 170° for 17/18 min, then unmould the disc of tatin and place on top.
Bake at 170° for 17/18 min, then unmould the disc of tatin and place on top.
Chef's tip
Upcycle your croissants left-overs to avoid waste!