Pillar #1: Planet 

Our commitments to limit the impact of

our activities on the planet.

Reducing our carbon impact and our overall environmental impact is a priority.

We are thus working on the reduction of our overall carbon footprint, on mastering the environmental impact of our operations,

but also on the eco-design of our packaging, the fight against food waste and the preservation of biodiversity.

Reduce our carbon footprint

Our commitments

To contribute to the fight against climate change, we commit to an ambitious strategy to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, progressively impacting the 3 scopes of emissions, that is to say our direct but also indirect emissions (farmers, suppliers, freight, etc.). We had our objectives certified by the Science-Based Target initiative by mid-2024, via the Group to which we belong, VIVESCIA.

Regarding scopes 1 and 2, our ambition goes with ambitious action plans we are progressively implementing:

• Work with suppliers for better practices in the supply chain (raw material, third party products and packaging) and to select ingredients with a lower footprint.

• Optimise energy consumptions; work on a lower carbon energy mix by integrating renewable energy; 100% of refrigerants with a low impact on the environment.

• Work with our freight providers to reduce the GHG emissions (alternative to fossil fuels, ecodriving, speed limit)

Our targets

-42% intensity reduction of our direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (scopes 1 & 2, vs. 2021)

-29% intensity reduction of our indirect greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (scope 3, vs. 2021)

Limit the environmental impact of our sites

Our commitments

Délifrance owns 14 production sites, based both in France and abroad. Délifrance’s and VIVESCIA’s common objective is to limit the impact of these sites, by controlling the water, gas and electricity consumptions and managing waste, thanks to the Environmental Charter deployed by the Group progressively.

Our sites will then keep monitoring and mastering environmental risks: on energy, water, the valorization of by-products and waste, the preservation of biodiversity and the control of all types of pollutions. We aim at raising awareness among the teams on the Environmental Charter to ensure the implementation of good practices.



Our targets

100% of our sites compliant, with the Group’s Environmental Charter by June 2025

Have a positive impact on biodiversity

Our commitments

Biodiversity is a major topic, intertwined with all other environmental issues, including climate change.

In order to implement an impactful approach, in 2024 we will do a precise evaluation of our impact on biodiversity. It will enable us to define the most relevant action plans and lead us towards the creation of a positive footprint on fauna and flora.

Promote the eco-design of our packaging

Our commitments

As many companies in the food industry, packaging is essential to protect, preserve, transport and sell our products. It needs to remain safe and convenient for our clients. This being said, it is essential for us to keep working to design and produce packaging with the lowest impact possible on the environment.

Thanks to the work of our teams, we have already made great progress. For example, we have worked on reducing the use of plastic for the plastic film on our pallets. We have also led an important work to reduce the thickness of our consumer bags but also to make them recyclable. Our objective is to reach 100% of them recyclable by 2025.



100% of our cardboard secondary packaging is made of recycled materials

96% of our cardboard is FSC-certified*

99% of our packaging is recyclable


*Certifying the sustainable management of the forests


Our targets

100% of our packaging recyclable or reusable and our cardboard FSC-certified, by 2025

Work on eco-designing 100% of our packaging

Fight against food waste

Our commitments

As a food manufacturer, we are committed to limiting food waste and thus the waste of resources to contribute to the global food security.

We have been working on this topic for several years and we have great results: 98.5% of our by-products have been valorised in our sites in 2022-2023 mainly through animal feed, methanisation or compost.

We also have regular donation campaigns and work with Too Good To Go to valorise unsold finished goods we are not going to sell. We plan to accelerate our partnership with this start-up and create long-term partnerships with associations, at a global level.

Our targets

Maintain the rate of by-products valorisation over 95%

Identify new solutions to limit our products waste

Interview of Nathalie Genebes

Our CSR Director comes back on Baking Good BETTER:


What are the major objectives of your strategy?

Baking Good BETTER sets the foundation for the years to come. It was built around 3 pillars: Planet, People, Product & know-how. It will be enriched and challenged throughout the years to remain ambitious and to take into account the evolution of our all the stakeholders’ expectations; but the objective will always be the same: to do BETTER.


Délifrance's CSR initiative, Baking Good BETTER, is celebrating its first anniversary. What were your first priorities this year on the Planet Pillar?

We have defined some key priorities we have focused on such as the reduction of our CO2 emissions in our factories, the reduction of our water consumption, accelerating on sustainable sourcing and on the reduction of food waste and our employees’ safety and well-being.

The reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions is crucial in the fight against climate change. We are currently working on defining our climate strategy and in February 2023, the VIVESCIA Group and Délifrance made a commitment to the Science-Based Target initiative, a strong signal that will enable us to align our ambitions with science and establish our credibility on carbon issues. We have submitted our roadmaps, which focus on raw materials purchasing, energy and refrigerant gases, and freight.


What are you particularly proud of?

I am very enthusiastic about working on making things better every day throughout our whole supply chain and I am proud of the fact that we have been able to improve our day-to-day practices already. Raising awareness in order to create a strong CSR culture among all employees is also very motivating.

Reed more about our commitments

Pillar #2: 


Take care of our people

Pillar #3: 

Product & know how

Make quality products for all, today and tomorrow