Бублик с лососем из слоеного теста бриошь


Preparation : 5 minutes
Before baking, take the brioche out of its mold and sprinkle with brown flax seeds.
Bake and allow to cool.
Slice in two horizontally.
Bake and allow to cool.
Slice in two horizontally.
Dressing : 5 minutes
Spread the cream cheese on the top and the base.
Arrange the smoked salmon, pomegranate seeds, thinly sliced green apple and dill, on the base of the brioche feuilletée.
Add the top of the bagel.
Arrange the smoked salmon, pomegranate seeds, thinly sliced green apple and dill, on the base of the brioche feuilletée.
Add the top of the bagel.
Chef's tip
Can also be made with various smoked fish options: trout, salmon, haddock, etc.